Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas Supply Surprise!


                         Hi again!  Hope you had a great Christmas/break!  This Christmas i got quite a lot of
Nigerian dwarf goat supplies such as collar, cute sweaters and hats for fun, water bowl and a feeder.  And guess what!  I made my goal and got 244$! Then i spent 70$ on more goat supplies like a trampoline for them to play on.  Me and my dad will start working on the pen and the shed this winter so we will be ready for the goats in spring.  we are trying to decide if the fence is high enough and what type of door we are going to get
leading into the shed.  Here is a picture of some of my goat supplies ...
as for next time i am wanting to post a picture of our goats area and i would love to get some opinions/advice.


  1. I had one of those trampolines! I will see if I can find it before spring and you can have it.

  2. I had one of those trampolines! I will see if I can find it before spring and you can have it.

  3. I had one of those trampolines! I will see if I can find it before spring and you can have it.

  4. Cant wait for you to get your new goats! I love your blog❤️❤️

  5. I had one of those trampolines! I will see if I can find it before spring and you can have it.

  6. Good job Bryn. Do you have some names picked out? How many are you getting? Girls? or Boys?

    1. yes i do have some names picked out popples and popcorn.i am getting two a girl and a boy.
