Monday, January 23, 2017

Workin All Day.

    Hello!  This week I finished cutting out a door/doggy door for the goats.I  also cleared out the pen and shed for them by moving wire and cutting down tall grass.  I painted the inside of the goat shed/the floor with some waterproofing paint.  the floor is wooden so we want to keep it from being ruined.  next on our list is we need to build a small fenced area inside the shed and work on the small barn door.We bought some red paint to do the outside but we have to wait till its warmer.  

    One of the things i learned that i need to give the goats regularly is a mineral and baking soda to keep them healthy. Im not sure what minerals to buy. Are there any goat experts out there that have advice on that?  I can't wait till these 5 weeks pass by!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

goat day!!!!!



                       Hi! Today we visited the goats in Grand Junction! They were soo cute! They were very jumpy and playful and kept running away. Then Sydney caught the little girl and let me hold her. She started falling asleep in my arms.The boy ran behind a small fenced area where no one could reach him. My doe and wether seemed to really like each other and LOVE playing together. I am glad I got both of them! It will be SO torturing because we dont get to pick them up for another 6 WEEKS. I decided to for SURE name them Popples for girl  and Popcorn for the boy. I really liked visiting for the first time..........I WISH I COULD STAY THERE FOREVER!!!!!!      
We didnt take any pictures of little Popcorn because he didnt stay still long enough. But here is some pictures of Popples and a video of her cute voice.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Hello! This week we researched goat supplies we are going to need and visited murdochs.  We spent some time clearing out the goat shed and finding out how to set it up.  There has been a lot of snow so I could not take a picture of the shed. We are also trying to figure out some names! My favorites so far are Popcorn and Popples! What do you think? I want to meet them before I decide for sure.  We are hopefully going to go visit them very soon! I can't wait to meet them! love, brynley
ps here is a picture my mom took of our snowy backyard!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                 Hello!  I have exciting news!  I entered a kid giveaway last month through Little Creek Livestock in Grand Junction.  I found out yesterday that they picked me to win a baby wether that was born on Christmas Day!  I am so excited and shocked and would like to thank Sydney from Little Creek for picking me!!  The wether has a sister that was born the same day so we decided to buy her so they would not be separated.  The babies need to be with their mom for about 8 weeks so we have a lot of work to do before they get here.  Thank you again Sydney for making my dream come true!!I am already in love with these cuties!!!!