Monday, January 23, 2017

Workin All Day.

    Hello!  This week I finished cutting out a door/doggy door for the goats.I  also cleared out the pen and shed for them by moving wire and cutting down tall grass.  I painted the inside of the goat shed/the floor with some waterproofing paint.  the floor is wooden so we want to keep it from being ruined.  next on our list is we need to build a small fenced area inside the shed and work on the small barn door.We bought some red paint to do the outside but we have to wait till its warmer.  

    One of the things i learned that i need to give the goats regularly is a mineral and baking soda to keep them healthy. Im not sure what minerals to buy. Are there any goat experts out there that have advice on that?  I can't wait till these 5 weeks pass by!!!


  1. Progress! And this is how you accomplish any big project even when you grow step at a time. Good job, Brynley!

  2. You are doing a GREAT JOB Bryn😍😍❤

  3. I need some painting done if you need some more practice to get it just right! Are you going to spoil those goats??

  4. I like to give my goats the Right Now Onyx mineral from Cargill and I mix 4 parts mineral to 1 part kelp. The kelp isn't really required, but does have some other minerals that the regular ones don't, in particular, it has lots of iodine.
